
About Artworks

"As in so many realms of life, the dominance of the super-rich, the massive gravitational force of their spending, bends the light around it into new patterns. No area of the contemporary art world is immune." ~ Julian Stallabras

Why does a tour around an art fair, auction sale or gallery often leave one with a cloying sense of déjà vu? Because the speculators driving the $68 billion art market want the reassurance of an established brand that will be recognized by their peers, regardless of its cultural or aesthetic value. And so dealers have converged on a select few names and artistic styles. Art is in the process of industrializing, and it seems inevitable that branding will replace the cultural conversation, says Michael Short, the art critic. And thus, art is losing its relevance to society.

"There is no improving the future without disturbing the present." ~ Catherine Booth

In our orbit, relevance is everything. We explore contemporary issues such as climate change, the biodiversity crisis, and the war in Ukraine in imaginative ways, to open up new lines of thought and discussion, and spur grassroots action. To magnify our impact, we donate 50% of profits to charities aligned with our mission. 

We offer each piece in a range of formats, from wall art to device cases to stationery. This creates more opportunities for serendipitous conversations between friends and strangers. This is how change begins, and gains momentum.  

Artworks was founded by Giles Jackson. His main inspiration is Great Grand Uncle David Croal Thomson (1855-1930), an influential art dealer, editor and critic who staged the first exhibition of Claude Monet's work on British soil.